Don't lose your way. Don't forget from whence you come. Don't shrink from the challenge of our time. Don't allow attackers to shame your heritage. Know your way, know your history, know your times, know your heritage. When you've acquired the status of 'grass roots movement' or 'relevant voice' in America you must expect criticism and most of it unjust. That's ok, but you must be prepared for it, because while we idolize freedom of speech in this country, its not ok and we should not and will not allow or participate in unaccountable slander. Some of the criticisms I've heard that I felt unprepared for were:
1. TEA movement was respectfully Libertarian until the religious people came along.
2. TEA Party people are racist rebranded KKK.
3. TEA Party people are ignorant hicks clinging to guns and Bibles and anger.
4. TEA Party people are violent demonstrators requiring National Homeland Security concern.
The criticisms haven't disuaded me in the least. They have in fact, motivated me to do a little more research and find out how true the charges might be. My initial skepticism proves worthwhile and a little research proves, aside from the fact the charges are false, the critics have far more to be ashamed of than do the TEA Party patriots. I am not ashamed of the TEA Party's reputation and I am not ashamed to credit my participation in it to the ideals I find in scripture and the example of Jesus Christ's life and call.
The TEA Party is made up largely of conservative Christian Americans but it does not exclude fiscally conservative Liberals, nor atheists, nor Libertarians, nor anyone dissatisfied with the highly regulatory, 'tax and spend, big government' model. Our numbers reflect the statistics of conservatives within the various sub-cultures within America including the black and hispanic communities. We are predominantly originalist and constitutionalist which holds government to the limits the founders intended and brings the current politicians to account for their voting history.
The way forward is prescribed in the scriptures that have guided us through the worst of times past, they will guide us through the worst of times to come. Beginning with George Washington and the authors of our Declaration of Independence, this nation has asked for God's guidance and have relied on the Bible. Regardless of liberal and atheist indoctrination to the contrary, we are and remain a Christian nation and the record is there for all to see. Please visit WallBuilders for a plethora of evidence to set you straight on the historical record of our nation's reliance on scriptural guidance and prayerful action. At every turn of great import, our greatest leaders are recorded leading if not listening to another's prayers for our nation, prayers to the God of Abraham and Jacob and in the name of Jesus Christ.
The full lyrics with all four verses to The Star Spangled Banner
America was born on the principles set forth in the Christian Bible and the application of Christian teachings for both personal and national behavior. American style governance is the newest, kindest, best example of government anywhere and in any time. The closest thing to it in history was the nation of Israel before King Saul was placed on their first throne. Liberals' attempts to 'improve' our government can only reduce it's best attributes. They revisit history and relabel an old idea, THE oldest idea of government and that is "a charismatic leader or group should make everything fair." Its impossible for any leader to ensure fairness. The inevitable eventual consequence of Socialism's ideal is tyrrany. Some cultures try it by measure and others by full conversion in one fell swoop but, the degree to which a culture leans on Socialist ideals is the degree to which that culture authorizes and exercises tyrranical rule. From doctrines of 'spreading the wealth' to 'too big to fail' and from 'immenant domain' to 'prohibition' the actions of our government, outside the authority the U.S. Constitution grants it, continue to prove tyrranical.
The challenge of our time is to face the critics within and the enemies without who would misinform to accomplish, or force a change onto our model of governance. Presently the challenges inside our culture are every bit as dangerous as the external threats. In fact, the internal challenge acts in league with the external threats and that should be evidence enough of their malfeasance but the media will not expose it because the media (being predominantly liberal) also act complicit with the external challenges. The term coined by Dinesh D'Souza 'politically correct' labels a dangerous precept, a product of liberalism. The net consequence of it's practice is to hide the problems with atheism, Islamism, Socialism, etc., and exaggerate the problems with American and Western culture and especially the Christian element within them. All you need do to refute these critics is trace the problems in our culture to their sources and they are almost entirely found in the liberal and socialist influences on our great society.
Your heritage is identified in this: The Judeo-Christian values system is one ideology known to self correct it's behavior, it's culture's course, and it's effect on other cultures has been one of net improvement rather than destruction or imperialism. Are there instances to the contrary? of course. Taken on whole the net effect is for the betterment of the entire world. Take just one issue; slavery was the norm all over the world until Christianity began to work against it within it's own ranks. Christianity corrected in the larger culture the practice of slavery in the nations of England and the United States. The condemnation of the practice of slavery all but eliminated it everywhere. The places where it remains a practice, it is counted a crime or the culture keeps it hidden from media view.
I can't say the American TEA Party has nothing to be ashamed of. I can say it has far less to be ashamed of than any other American sub-culture, ideology, or industry including organized religion, atheism, socialism, science community, educational community, or even the benevolence industry. If you employ the proper judgment, meaning consequences of action over intentions, the TEA Party stands head and shoulders above them all.